Today we got up early, loaded up the vans and headed toward Galveston. We picked up supplies at Lowe's on our way into Galveston and were ready to work! We shared breakfast with the other 3 groups we are working with, got a quick orientation and got to it!
We got the chance to work with many of the different groups on different worksites. One group went to deconstruct, insulate then reside the house of a church member. Another group headed inside the church to clear all the nails from
the studs so we can start putting up sheetrock later in the week. Yet another group began tearing the siding off the church to be replaced. And of course, it wouldn't be an FCCBRLA mission trip if George Rabb wasn't called upon to do some plumbing!
After a delicious dinner of fried turkey, we shared a hilarious game of Pterodactyl...ask a missionary about the's hilarious! We worshiped, we sang, we shared communion, then we hit the road back to Texas City. We are VERY sleepy tonight! After much needed showers, and a quick devotion (hear that A-Pack...QUICK) we'll hit the hay to start again tomorrow morning!
Keep on checkin' in on us! Who knows what tomorrow will bring...
See Michael, Andrew did do some work today...he even got a battle wound to show for it!
Is that George doing the plumbing or the wicked witch of the east?...
Amy tearing siding off a house...or wielding her battle sword?
Meet the interns, Day 2: Joel
Joel is from Indiana (hooray, a fellow Hoosier!), however, he will be a senior at TCU in the fall (Go Horned Frogs). We have discovered many of Joel's hidden talents, but the most impressive is his ability to sing (while accompanying himself on air guitar) obscure Nickelodeon TV show theme songs...Hey Dude! :o)
Last but NOT least...HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY BLAKE!! No pinata this year...however, clad with his cape, crown and scepter, he was dubbed king for a day!
ROAR! Ugh, I wish I was there with you guys! But, God has other plans for me here...I got a call from the credit union for an interview this week. Sounds like you guys are working hard (even Andrew)! haha, so good luck and have fun! Hugs and Love! --Hollie
Glad you guys are having fun and being put to good use! Can't wait to hear about... pterodactyl? Keep up the good spirits and stay safe! tell Packman I said "Vorsicht!" I'll be channeling him on Friday when I have my German exam.
Great post. Thanks for the update. Happy b-day Blake, great "Wicked Witch" pose (George), and Andrew, way to try and pass off a jelly stain from breakfast on your arm as a "battle injury." In fact, if there's a picture this week with you holding a tool of any kind (hammer, saw, etc.) I'll assume it's been photoshopped in :) Seriously, hope that everyone has a great week. We're proud to have you represent us!
I knew that was George because of his distinctive calves. And people say I am the witch of the family. Love the Blog... Sorry for your "boo boo" Andrew. And Happy Birthday Blake.
Take care all of you, Carol
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