We've arrived in Slidell! First Christian Church of Slidell has opened their doors and welcomed us - and we're ready to get to work! We met 5 Disciples Home Mission Interns that will be working with Office of Disciples Volunteering throughout the summer and we're excited to be working with them. We also met the rest of the long-term volunteers (we already know Lucy and Tom!) and they are ready for our energy.
After a fun game of our new favorite dice-game, "Farkle," we are headed to bed and getting ready for a big day of work tomorrow! Come back for more stories and pictures tomorrow, we're ready to show you what we're working on.
In the mean time, please consider praying this prayer with us throughout the week. It is a modified version of a poem and a prayer by St. Teresa of Avila - and the Serenity Prayer. We're looking forward to the ways the spirit will support us throughout the week and thank you for your support too!
Holy and Loving God, we know that Christ has no body but ours, no hands, no feet on earth but ours, ours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world, ours are the feet with which he walks to do good, ours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Ours are the hands, ours are the feet, ours are the eyes, we are his body. Christ has no body now but ours, no hands, no feet on earth but ours, ours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but ours. Help us to use our bodies, our minds and our hearts to be the body of Christ in this world. Help us to be carriers of your light to all those we meet. Grant us the courage to accept change in the ways we can. Grant us the serenity to accept those things we cannot change. Grant us the wisdom to see the difference. Grant us the compassion to live one day at a time, as your body here on earth. Amen.
1 comment:
well i am glad you got there alright
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