Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More soffit... more siding.... more caulking.... more painting!

We continue to make great progress on the house.  We've been working in teams this week and have developed some good working relationships and "routines" with those teams, which makes us all the more efficient :)  At the beginning of the day, the site looked like this...

 (It's hard to see in this photo - but underneath the porch, there's no soffit, there will be by the end of the day though!)

 Amy and Laura continued to work on siding - and the scaffolding went up - which is quite an accomplishment since Laura is afraid of heights.  Thank you to Amy and our partner in crime Barry (from Kansas City, KS) for helping Laura work on this!
Michael came for a visit and took Laura's place for a while.  Steve (one of the long term volunteers) had to stand watch and make sure Michael was doing it right. ;)
Tom took some more breaks....

Just kidding!  Tom continues to be an important part of our team and works very hard!

Carol donned the painting gear and helped paint the inside of two rooms!  It's looking more and more like a real building EVERY day!

Even though we're all from Louisiana and know about the heat - we still take our water breaks!

Carol continued to use the meiter saw - and found a good place for it under the shade of a big tree!  Good thinking Carol!

Amanda and Elise continued to do one of the most tedious jobs - caulking!  But Amanda found some refuge outside when she also went to help Carol for a while.

 Ian and Jake, Interns Gabe and Corey, worked on the porch for what seemed like all day... One stubborn piece of soffit.... don't ask them about the day they only put up four pieces of soffit, they are still a little frustrated!
But we all continue to learn new skills and help one another when we are still learning and need a little guidance.
And every now and again we make time for a nap....

Which we apparently needed tonight - because we all decided we were too tired to play Farkel!  Look for tomorrow's winner and loser on tomorrow's post!

1 comment: said...

I envy the teamwork! Your family sure is happy working together. Having that kind of cooperation will make finishing chores fast and efficient.