Literally…these things literally went into the Garza family’s house.
Today we had a lot to do in order to finish on time. We split into teams to divide and conquer. One group working on plumbing, one on electricity, one on the roof, the interior walls, put up the trim, build the wheelchair ramp and a million other “little” things. It amazed us when we stepped back at lunch time to see how much we accomplished that morning.
The previous days we left the job site around 2:30, but today we didn’t leave until we were finished. This meant we didn’t leave Matamoros until 7:45pm!!
I could go into deep detail about how Cheryl almost fell off a ladder (don’t worry mom, I’m ok!) or how Andrew tried to talk politics in Spanish or how we smuggled Kenny across the border…but I won’t. What we really want to convey is what happened when the house was finished.
As we mentioned before, Mr. Garza is in a wheelchair so the last thing we did was build a concrete ramp for him. Once that was completed, we helped he and his family into their new house. The girls had already been in the house because they couldn’t wait! In fact, they had already danced in their room (they have never had a room all their own!) and tried teach Andrew a song in Spanish (which failed). We all gathered into their new house where they were greeted by a “welcome home” sign.
We spent a few very touching moments with the family as Michael (through Erick) tried to explain what this experience has meant to us. We then presented the family with a framed photo we took of the entire group with the family earlier in the week. We prayed a blessing on the house and shed a few tears. The family shed tears as well. They were very appreciative. Mrs. Garza’s comments thanked us saying “who comes to build a house for strangers?” It was our pleasure.
Yes, we may have been a blessing to them this week, but they were a blessing to us too. We learned so much on this trip and we will never be the same again.
We slowly headed to the vans with the girls trailing after us for multiple hugs. They even ran down the street as we drove away. We will keep in touch with this amazing family who has become family to us.
We returned to the SWGSM for a late dinner and some awards…
…And we closed with worship…
…Now it’s time for bed and while we’re anxious to see all of you at home, we’re equally as disappointed to leave behind such a wonderful adventure…
Okay, new pictures are up:
(1) Blake helping make sure the Garza's had power in their new house
(2) Dustin amazed us all with his electrical skills...he deserved a break!
(3) Elise finishing up the windows
(4) See...girls can install plumbing too!!
(5) The doorway on the left (where Mickey is standing) is the girls' room and the room on the right with the toilet...well, I think you know what that is :o)
(6) The Garza family inside their new house for the first time!
(7) Judy was a rockstar working on that ramp! Now Mr. Garza will have no trouble getting into his house!
(8) Mickey and Daniel getting the power turned on
(9) The side of the house finished!!
(10) The front of the house finished!!