This morning we got an extra early start to our day so we could get a lot done...and boy did we! After a brief stop at the Soriana for ice (of course), we arrived at the Garza Casita to begin Day two of our project!
Before I really get started, I need to include a very important "shout out." We could NOT be working as hard as we are this week if it weren't for three VERY important people: Judy, Barb and Lucy. They have been keeping up hydrated and cool. Yes, we take breaks, but they bring us water and Gatorade while we're working and cool rags for our necks. They are our cheerleaders and the keepers of our health while we're working!
First thing, we raised the first wall!! It was an amazing sight. We were led in this endeavor by our resident "stud," Erick (those of you who have built a wall before will understand that poor attempt at job sight humor). You should have seen the look on Senor Garza's face! Priceless! With very few problems (ask Amy and Cheryl about the nails....) we got all 4 walls up! It is starting to really look like a house!!
Of course there was more painting to be done! We finished up the siding and moved on to the trim. The trim is brown. As we began painting, we realized it was oil based paint...do you know what happens if you get oil based paint all over your hands? Well, about 1/2 of the FCCBRLA mission crew knows! IT DOESN'T COME OFF!! Eventually we realized it was going to take paint thinner to wash off...while Andrew and Krista went to the hardware store, Mr. Garza began washing the paint off our hands using gasoline!! But you know what...it worked! Lesson learned.
The other goal for today was to dig the trench for the plumbing. The Garza's have never had a bathroom that Mr. Garza could access in his wheelchair, so we're going to install one for them! The trench did pose some problems...including a broken water line...who broke the water line? Ask Michael. :o) Dustin wrangled with a giant rock in the trench and I believe he was victorious!
Of course after lunch, the girls came home and we were again greeted by their smiling faces and their hugs. Leslie, the youngest one, came tearing around the corner to see us! How exciting! After having lunch, a group started playing soccer in a little yard across the street. It drew two other children from the neighborhood who had a blast playing soccer and eating our candy!
Daily Highlight: Kenny taught the Garza hijas (daughters) a dance to "Jump on It." Don't worry, we have video of the whole thing! :o)
After lunch we kept on with the trench and putting up the siding. And once again the work day just seemed to fly!! We couldn't believe that it was time to leave!
(1) Two of the kids that came to play "futbol"
(2) Matt and Daniel waiting for us to bring them the last piece of siding for this wall...great job, guys!
(3/4) Mr and Mrs. Garza hammering in nails on their Casita
(5) Barb bringing us water to keep us hydrated!! What would we do without her!?
(6) Putting up the first wall!!
(7) Mickey working hard...as usual!!
(8) Anyone know how to get oil based paint off your hands?...or Kenny's pants...
(9) How we started the day...
Keep checking back...we have a lot more to share! Thanks for checking in with us...we love hearing about your comments!!
Con la Paz de Jesucristo,
OMG!!! I am so impressed and so jealous. I wish I was there with all of you. You are doing such an awesome job. Thank you Cheryl for the wonderful blog. It is great to be a part of the trip even in a small way. And thanks for the pics. My hubby looks amazing. My love to you all
¡Qué encanto ver las fotos del trabajo! ¡Qué bien poder estar al día de lo que están haciendo por allí! Ay me hace extrañar muuuuucho viajes de este estilo, y ya me estan entrando ganas de apuntarme para el próximo!
El levantamiento del primer pared - jolines. Siempre es un momento que deja al todo el mundo asombrado.
Mensaje especial para la autora: Me alegro mucho que te lo estás pasando muy bien, y que tienes oportunidades para hacer cosas así, amiga mia... aunque a la vez me da muuuuucha envidia! Te echo de menos/te extraño, ojala que pudiera estar alli con ustedes.
Estoy emocionada para hablar contigo cuando vuelves salva y sana.
besos pa' todos,
la madrileña
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