We shoved off from the FCC-BRLA at 7:00am sharp on Saturday, May 31. Packed into the Powder Blue Holy Wagon, Judy’s car and George’s truck pulling a trailer…we were ready for that 10 hour drive to Corpus Christi, Texas where we would spend the night. Three stops later we were at the First Christian Church, Corpus Christi, Texas. This church was amazing!! Our accommodations were beautiful and quite comfy (even though the boys took the room with the couches while the girls had to sleep on the floor…seriously?) We had dinner and some time to fellowship and stretch our legs. We can’t believe our journey has finally begun!!
We attended the 9:00am contemporary service at the FCC, Corpus Christi where the people were incredibly welcoming and excited to have us visiting. They even let Matt play the electric drums! He was like a kid in a candy store. The children’s sermon featured non other than our own Andrew Packman! He was a hit! The title of this morning’s sermon was “Crossing Borders!” It could not have been more appropriate!! J
Although we were appreciative of the hospitality at the FCC, Corpus Christi, we were anxious to back on the road. One U-turn later (which Andrew handled famously in the Holy Wagon, I must say)…we arrived at the Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries in Bayview, Texas to a positively giddy Michael Karunas.
We unpacked the trailer, claimed our bunks, and met our hosts for the week: David, Eric, Erin and Krista. The grocery crew: Judy, Tom, Lucy and Barb headed off to the grocery store and to organize our food for the week. In the interest of staying out of their way, Eric escorted us to BONITA South Padre Island for some beach time! There was swimming, soccer, football and a graceful face-plant by the Rev. K (sorry to say, we were not quick enough for a picture…)
Back at the SWGSM, we showered and got dinner ready. We are anxious to meet the Garza family and get to work!
We have wi-fi here at the Good Sam, so keep checking back for more pictures and Tales from South Texas! I’m sure we’ll good stories of our first border crossing tomorrow!!
Con la Paz de Jesucristo,
Good luck and may God be with you on your trip! This blog is a wonderful way to keep everyone informed of what you are doing!
Happy Birthday Blake!!!! This is a birthday you will NEVER forget, I guarantee.
You are AWESOME!!!
Thank you for blogging for all of us 'wanna be's back home.
My thoughts and prayers are with ya'll!
I know you had a happy birthday, Blake. We missed having you at home on your birthday--the first one away from us :(
This blog thing is pretty cool. Thanks for keeping us informed. Our prayers are with you guys on a safe and productive trip.
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