Hello, from Nashville. Today, we completed our first day of work, and what a day it was. It started off with a delicious breakfast and an early departure. After a quick meeting between mission leaders, our BR, LA group was divided between two job sites. The first group was comprised of Amanda, Elise, Darby, Nancy, Evan and Amy Z. Their main focus was to "de-popcorn" the ceiling in their homeowner's house. From all accounts, the work was a great start because the work wasn't too difficult, but prepared everyone for what's to come the rest of the week. The second group, was sent across town to Ms. Lauree's house. Jack, Michael, Laura, Amy L. and Craig worked on a hodgepodge of different tasks - mudding drywall, quick-creting porch posts and landscaping. Luckily, it stayed in the 80's so we weren't too hot working outside! We met back up at the church for showers, dinner, devotion and a mean game of Farkle! Note: We'll be posting the winner and loser of our epic Farkle battles daily. Winner: Amy L. Loser: Craig.
Tomorrow, the groups get mixed up and sent to new job sites! Keep reading!
Amy L.
Day 1: Lauree's house (hodgepodge)

Craig and Jack handled the drywall. Jack didn't just supervise, we swear.

Amy L., Laura, and Michael trimmed, removed, and transplanted a TON of monkey grass.

When lacking motivation, ice cream helps!

The group wait for job site assignments

Dream Team-Day 1...De-Popcorning the Ceilings

Nancy Chapaneri's first mission trip...walking the Christian walk, not just talking the talk!

We affectionately started calling the debris "popcorn poop!"

Darby...the self-appointed "Popcorn Scraping Queen."

The group with our lovely home owner, Vel, who provided a special treat, Klondike Bars, for the group! Our fearless site leader, Dwight, and DHM intern, Will, are also pictured with us!
Way to go Dream Team!
Y'all are in NASVHILLE!!?!? That's M territory! Wish I could be there with you! Have a great, safe week!
**my, not M, I got excited :)
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