Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We have been working on Ms. Lauree's house for three days now. Ms. Lauree is a native of Nashville. In fact, she has lived her entire life on the property she lives on now. She was getting her roof repaired when the rains came that led to the Cumberland River flood of 2010 and is now getting help from the Southeast Nashville Flood Recovery. SENFR is the agency that selects homes to repair and connects both building materials and volunteers that allows the rebuilding process to take place. Disciples Home Missions is working very closely with SENFR this summer.

We have contributed quite a bit to Ms. Lauree's re-build. Today, Rev. Laura and Amy Lester finished a big landscaping project using some pretty big rocks. Amanda Price, Nancy Chapaneri and Rev. Michael did sanding, trimming and painting in the living room and main bed room. A strong mid-afternoon thunderstorm cooled things down and ended our work day a bit earlier than normal. But no one was complaining as the work was quite hard.

Everyone who has worked at Ms. Lauree's this week has been taken in by her dynamic, vivid personality. She is 72 but moves around like she's half that age. An avid bowler, she won 4th place at a recent tournament. And she's an active member at Payne's Chapel AME, scarcely going more than a few minutes without praising God and giving an "Hallelujah! God is good today!"


Today the "Dream Team" returned to Vel's house (Monday's house with the pungent odor). We cleaned up, dry-walled, and did lots of dancing to say the least... We learned a lot today about hanging dry wall because not only does it require every bit of strength you have to hold it up, it also requires team work. Whether you are holding nails, holding up dry wall, or screwing the boards into place, you are an important part to rebuilding Vel's home. Vel was also very gracious in giving us Klondike bars while it hailed outside! We were excited to see lots of progress and that our hard work and team work really does count.


Pictures of our day... Ms. Nancy painting Ms. Lauree's bedroom...

While it was pouring down rain, Amy and Laura helped inside.

Amanda and Michael painting the ceilings in each room - how'd you work around that fan?

Our work space was tight at times. All three of us painting in one corner!
The finished landscaping job outside Ms. Lauree's house. Amy and Laura found and dug up almost all of those rocks from around Ms. Lauree's yard - we might open a landscaping business.
Ms. Nancy and Ms. Lauree before the rains started!

The Dream Team posed outside of Vel's house.

Charlie's Angels? They just might be with those drills!

Jack working on dry wall with Dwight, a Long-Term Volunteer for Disciples Home Mission.

Amy and Jack - good teamwork!

Evan holding up drywall until the rest of the team can screw it in.

Elise making some precise measurements for the drywall.

1 comment:

Debra Jarratt said...

Amen Dream team! Dry wall and Klondike bars...who could ask for more. It is blistering hot in BR so enjoy your rain and cool down times. Can't wait to hear all of the details when you all return.